
Poken logo
Developing graphics and styling, the client-server communication and a state machine setup and software architecture for web application.
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About Poken

Poken is a cloud-based event management platform. It is utilized by trade shows and exhibitions, corporate and association events, as well as sports and youth events. The modular platform includes features and services such as registration and badging, match-making, meeting scheduling, mobile apps, NFC interactive USB devices, lead generation devices, gamification, access control and metrics reporting.

Working together

The Swiss-based company wanted an application creating for several mobile phone platforms. The tasks involved:

  • Graphics and styling code
  • Work on the client-server communication through an XML RPC system
  • And a state machine setup and software architecture. 

We worked on parts of this together with a Poken employee. The project involved all the problems relating to a mobile client-server project: limited resources, unreliable connectivity, small screen space and usability issues.

Poken App

In this project, our developers sat alongside Poken’s existing team and were managed by Pokens own project managers. They were impressed with our ability to take a design concept and produce pixel-perfect Qt implementations that worked as intended.

Check out our other customer stories

QuadSAT Logo


Developing software for QuadSAT’s drone-based solutions

Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems

Assisting with the build and maintenance of Leica Geosystem’s 3D displays in Qt.



Developing and visualizing a new illuminated indicator display series (XDi) for DEIF.